måndag, december 17

Day 130 - Another poster

Its been a pleasant couple of weeks. Not much forced production and alot more room to move around in when it comes to the digitals. Halfway thru the portfoliomodule and only one more week
in the facilities. The crew site is a couple of weeks into planning as well. Trying to edge out the concept and peripherals with a group of people. Took on the role as art director for this project to be wich might be an interesting experience as most of the people are fresh when it comes to large scale productions like this. But i trust we have key people in the right position that will actually follow through the ideas we conjure. Anyway.

Been doing a couple of posters lately.

onsdag, december 12

Day 126 - Artist study: Siidore

I have been following the progression of this Argentinian artist for almost a year now and his work never cease to amaze me. He pays close attention to detail but at the same time he disregards little flaws in appeirang inbetween elements in his compositions that many other artists of his calibre would fix. Still just the palette mixed with the extreme talent in composing different types of graphics into one bazaar of color and shape overcomes this easily. Its as if he left the rough edges or jagged colormixing as to acentuate the other parts of the art that makes it really pop out from the canvas. In a way he impersonates what i like about south american designers. Ofcorse he has nothing of the minimalism that this area represents to me in design but he still uses ways of creating art that so stands out from that tradition of my own. Anyway, this dude is absolutely on my top10 artists ever in many ways. His website seems to be down at the moment but for reference:


fredag, december 7

Day 121 - Artist study: Machine 56

This indonesian dude has been spitting out extreme topquality vectors for years now. Absolutely in my top5 modern illustrators alltime and if that isnt enough hes also really heavy on the font side. Browsing his gallery displays really hardcore TDR inspired futuristic types displayed in styleguide perfection.

I wonder where this wunderkid will end up in a couple of years. Hes doing all this on a pc with a mouse, no wacom, and corel draw x3 as only companion. Check out some of my favourites from his big pile of goodness. Not making use of his website but for future reference.


onsdag, december 5

Day 119 - Artist study: Adrian Knopik woo!

Many people out there doing this. But Adrian makes this so damn clean.
This is pure illustrator talent and his anticipation of shapes and placement
of objects is hardly surpassed in the scene right now. Some might argue that
its way over the top for the platform but that is just what makes it so good.
He goes that extra mile and it doesnt ruin the impression. I expect alot from
this dude in the future.

torsdag, november 29

Day 113 - The girl from Pixar

Big names makes a lasting impression. More about this at a later time.
For now. 2 books of my childhood made an eaven more lasting impression.
Earth and outer space, illustrated basic walkthru of our universe as it was known in the early 80s given to me by my father planted a still vibrant fascination of everything from stratosphere to andromeda and beyond. Led to a good 8 years of constant reading and rereading scifi novels and laymans literature. If nature was ever beutiful it started in mathematical patterns manifested in mans perception and interpretation of space.

I will talk more about the 2nd book some other time but for now all i could upbring was my pure love of a 2 word combination made up of polar vortex.

fredag, november 23

Day 107 - Glen Smith from Gyro

If we had known that glen smith would actually be a step up from the previous lecturers this fall we would probably have wooped more life into our 2 hour marketing pitch for the panasonic camera. But anyhow, tore did a great job with the mood board and i think we executed the concept explanation reasonably well. Chris group shined of course with an animated board boosting sound and chevy chase! Anyway, a pretty interesting 5-6 hours with Glen. Had a nice talk with him after the lecture about his and our take on whats happening next. He also described to us how his corporation (gyro) works and why we should come and work with him next year. The thing that interested me the most apart from a reasonably interesting portfolio of brands was the corporate loyalty among the employees. Were you usually expect people to leave one office for another or one country for that matter he actually described to us that a lot of creators within gyro actually swaps offices now and then to avoid going stale. This is exactly what im looking for in a company. Not that i want to or would start in Stockholm but still noteworthy. The stuff they are doing for panasonic is in parts really inspiring as well not to mention the currently aired tvspot for their series of flatscreen televisions made by some production house in germany. I guess you have all seen it and its regarded by myself as one of the absolutely most well made comercials as of late next to the recent bravia spots. On a sidenote not everyone named Glen is from Gothenburg!

Anyway. Svenska Akademien got their new single out witch features a remix bside made by my brother Dubmood. Give it a listen at his myspace! Song is titled vakna. Its really nice to see his work getting noticed not only in france but on our home front as well.

torsdag, november 22

Day 106 - Visual Communication

Two webflyers made for dubmoods blogpromotions. Check out

Also make sure you check out my old ansifriend from poffelipoff, Bym who has kicked off some sweet musicproject with his friend called straffet.

In the Visual Communications module not much is happening. Everyone is on a down low about a lot of things. The crew site might happen. Here are two pieces of a mockup series i did last night to showcase one of our ideas in a bit more detail.

måndag, november 19

Day 103 - Beirut in Copenhagen!

Back from the weekendtrip to copenhagen!

Beirut was really nice. The crowd called them back 2 times but zack suffered from a soar throat and pulled off the first 2 good ones in succession and then resided on backup singers and random crowd participants to do the rest. All together an ok show. Apart from beriuts so-so performance i had a great weekend with the group in copenhagen. Got some good drinks and foods on saturday + sunday. Should probably write something extended about this trip but for now you have to do with a lot of photos.

Sausagefest on Rådhusplatse saturday.

Me and Nathalie in a pub in Huset
on saturday.

Me and Nathalie on Tivoli and bottom left is The vegetarian buffet on Riz-Raz

Left: The World PressPhoto awards. Right: Brunch

Beirut at Vega