To quote a favourite album of mine. Actually its 3 days off. First consecutive 3 good ones in a month.
But anyhow. Ended this second module on Hyper Island called experience technology. Cant really say i enjoyed it in on all levels but some parts shined. It turned out like we all expected it to i guess. Rough and rugged. Should have alot of media to present but i´m trying to gather materials from the other peoples blogs before i decide what describes this whole gazeebo the best. Its pretty frustrating being in a position where you have to scribble thru someone elses flash sources from witch you can barely make out shit. Whats also fascinating is basing stuff on cheap technology that you havent been able to demo in the final set of the installation. I suck at this whole practical hands on exhibitioning. Not saying i didnt enjoy it but id liked to have a bit more material to present the crowd. The group pulled through even tho the flash and its mediocre webcam setup did not. Got up at 7am yesterday to finish up the last parts of it, parts i overlooked previously witch didnt help the general anxiety we all felt that morning. a good 12 hour shift during the actual exhibit ended with a 1 hour cleanout of the area and then we where off to ze bar. The gaybar.
So i got a good 10 hours of sleep after 1 (1) beer, 11-08. Woke up to this very interesting textmsg.
"Jag drömde att vi va på lan i
natt. När jagskal lägga mig
inser jag att jag inte har någon
madrass. När jag frågar om jag
får låna din, lägger du dig på den.
Tar fram en 50cm röd dildo
och gosar ner dig med den precis
som en nallebjörn. Ibland undrar
man hur det står till med en. Puss!
Not sure what i did too him previous to me departing gothenburg for karlskrona but 2 months later hes gunning wet dreams about me. i love it. Anyway. A good lecture in school today. Or maybe not good in the kind of way id call someone a good lecture in conjunction to what i expect to hear at hyper island but it was what we like to call it, random. His name was
John Lester and works at linden labs who created and is running second life. Gave us a quick and interesting take on what goes on in this online metaverse as he called it. Gonna do a writeup on the highlights for us and the stockholm class aswell as an ingame interview in a week or two.
Anyway. Comming down from this fucked up exhibit module on a friday afternoon with youtubing madonna on letterman. from 88, 94, 2000 and 2003. Good shit. go find it. In 88 shes up there with sandra bernard, both looking like they are on speed and its as good as it sounds. Off to olearys now for some music quiz.