Its about a week and a half into the second Hyper Island module called Experience Technology. Had some pretty rough days past weeks. Still atleast 12-14 hours a day in school but alot more sleep.
Autumn has hit karlskrona but its still reasonably warm. Heavy winds and sporadic showers almost always coming in a horizontal vector for maximum annoyance. The island feels smaller at the same pace the weather gets worse. Trying to compensate the lack of personal development from august and september with more computer quality time set aside from school projects.
Dubmood put one of the posters i made him in the mail splashed onto what might be a considered ridiculously large print the size of an average bed. Not sure about what wall i could nail it on yet as it probably outweighs whatever means i have of plastering it to a vertical surface. It should be arriving sometime next week witch gets me thinking about my espresso again. Its been 6 weeks and no delivery. Perhaps i should give old posten a heads up of my whereabouts by putting my company logo on the mailbox. My name should suffice but 6 weeks says it does not.
Anyway, anyhow. This weekend should be spent around the computer screen in contrast to previous brawls. Alot of raw motion material to produce and a lot of technology to pick up on. Taken upon myself to create a multitude of animated shorts that goes into our module exhibition installation. On top of that i also claimed responsibility for developing the flash platform that picks out and plays these clips inside the 360 screening room we are building for the installation. Not only are they displayed in and with flash but they are also going to be sliced and diced decided by witch way the visitor moves under a motion tracking device sitting ontop of the booth facing downwards. The basics of this technology is in place but i feel this module will turn into a rough 20-80 as no one in my crew has a history of either or.
The group works nicely now. I took up project lead and the others seems happy with a more strict project management. We still have to do almost daily followups to levels of ambition and involvement witch has been our biggest problems in the past. Not everyone in the group shares the general ambition but i feel it has nothing to do with the group as such but more of the assignment we got handed to us mixed with the feeling of alienation we all feel at times at this place. Im quite confident this project will be our best sofar, wich in fact does not say that much but our first ambition as a group is that we should leave this module satisfied and with something really breathtaking to put in the portfolios.
Should have a lot more material to splash here by the end of next week but this is what i came up with for concept sketches last night. Some stills of the motion introducing the visitor to the installation.

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